Monday, April 23, 2012

How Audiologists Help With Allergies
Hearing Aids Are Affected By Allergy Symptoms!
Be sure to share with your audiologist if you have chronic allergy conditions. You would want to have a hearing device with a volume control or remote
control rather than a totally automatic device so that you can increase or decrease your hearing levels for "good hearing days" and "bad hearing days."

The six most common allergies are airborne, and these microscopic particles can clog the microphone ports of your hearing aids. Hearing aid microphone port covers should be changed every 6 to 9 months. The microphone port covers should be changed more frequently if you are outside often or sense you are not hearing as well in noise. This could mean the microphones are no longer balanced (due to drift or pollen). Replacing the covers will fix this. Schedule an appointment, so we have time to order your specific hearing aid port covers for you.

Seasonal allergies may cause a dip in hearing--but only when the pollen is flying. Remember, hearing aid service is available for the life of the hearing aids. If your devices need a spring cleaning, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment!

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