Monday, July 8, 2013

Hearing Aids in 2013

These aren't your grandfather's hearing aids! Today's hearing aids continue to advance in technology, features, colors, and usability. Did you know that hearing instruments in 2013:
  • Can be adjusted using a smart phone or tablet?
    • Click here for more information on hearing aids and smartphone compatibility.
  • Are waterproof and dust proof?
  • Provide solutions for single-sided deafness?
  • Stream the audio of the telephone and television directly to both ears to promote clarity and understanding?
    • Hearing aid manufacturers have created bluetooth compatible devicesthat wirelessly connect to hearing aids. If you are tired of blasting the television volume, avoiding phone conversations, or asking someone to interpret what others are saying, these devices can change your life.
  • Automatically focus on and amplify the source of speech in a crowded room?
    • New technology enables hearing aid users to participate in conversations in difficult listening environments like restaurants, community centers, and places of worship. Hearing aid manufacturers employ different strategies to promote speech intelligibility in noisy environments.
  • Automatically adjust to multiple listening environments?
    • The Siemens Micon has 48 adjustable channels. This promotes an exceptional level of speech intelligibility in challenging listening environments. Click here for more information on the Siemens Micon.
  • Learn the user's listening preferences in up to six different acoustic environments?
    • Hearing aids “memorize” and automatically adjust to the individual’s listening preferences in multiple environments. Find out more here.
  • Automatically detect and eliminate feedback (whistling) before it begins?
    • Modern hearing aids should never whistle. New technology empowers the hearing device to stop feedback before it begins.

1 comment:

  1. Embarrassment and discomfort with the thought of hearing aids can lead to denial and resistance. Deep down they know they have hearing loss but just are not ready for hearing aids.

    beltone hearing aid review
