Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Siemens miniTek Remote Control and Streamer

The Siemens miniTek is a remote control and streamer that works with all wireless hearing instruments made by Siemens. As a remote control, the miniTek can adjust the volume level of your hearing aids. As a streamer, the miniTek wirelessly transmits the audio of a cell phone, handheld music player, and television to both hearing instruments.
The wireless functionality and audio streaming capability of the miniTek promotes speech understanding on the telephone. It also makes it possible for families to watch their favorite television programs together without volume concerns. Unlike other devices used to help people hear the television by wearing a headset, miniTek users can communicate with others while watching the TV without removing a headset.
For more information on the miniTek, click here.
Siemens has also released an App that turns a smartphone into a miniTek.
Click here for more information.

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