Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Help A Loved One Get Help For Hearing Loss

Over the holiday season, you probably noticed some people in your family who aren't hearing well.  You might have even talked to them about getting their hearing checked.  Were you surprised by how resistant they were to the idea of having their hearing evaluated?  Statistics show that it takes an average of 7-10 years for a person to seek help for their hearing loss!  

People with hearing loss usually cannot understand how it is impacting their life and the people around them. It's difficult to understand what you're missing out on if you cannot hear it.  Also, because the effects of hearing loss are gradual, it's difficult for an individual to see how isolated they are becoming as they begin to avoid situations where they can't hear well.  If your loved one is resisting help for their hearing loss, here are some proven strategies to help them understand how it is impacting their life:

  • Lovingly explain how the hearing loss is impacting your life. Help them discover how their hearing loss has become your hearing loss because you are always interpreting what others are saying and repeating yourself.
  • Stop interpreting phone conversations
  • Stop continually repeating what you say and raising your voice
  • Avoid interpreting conversations and help your loved one see how their hearing loss is preventing them from connecting with the people they care about the most
Change usually happens best in an environment where the person with the problem is allowed to experience the consequences of the particular problem in a safe environment.  While it is difficult to allow a hearing loss sufferer who refuses to get help begin to experience the reality of their hearing loss, it may be a necessary step toward finding real solutions.  

If you have a loved one who is resisting help for their hearing, please don't hesitate to contact our office and speak with one of our clinical audiologists for some practical guidance and support.

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