Monday, August 20, 2012

Hearing Aid Warranties and Repair Costs

As we noted in last week's blog series on hearing aid repairs, a hearing instrument usually malfunctions for one of two reasons:  moisture or wax build-up.  If the hearing aid continues to malfunction after it has been dehumidified overnight and all excess wax has been removed, an audiologist should examine the aid to rule out other problems like a damaged receiver or a dead circuit.  In the event the audiologist is unable to repair the hearing aid, the instrument will have to be sent in to the manufacturer for repair.

Warranties and Repair Costs
Two types of hearing aid warranties are included in the purchase price of new hearing aids through Appalachian Audiology.  A Loss and Damage Warranty will allow the wearer to replace each aid once if the instrument is lost.  The manufacturer will usually charge a $200-$350 service fee for replacing a lost hearing aid.  A Repair Warranty will insure the hearing aid in the event it needs a repair the audiologist is not able to perform.  If the hearing aids malfunction for any reason within the warranty period, the manufacturer will repair the hearing aids and return them to the audiologist at no-charge.  Hearing aid manufacturers usually allow patients to extend their warranty coverage up to two years for less than what it takes to repair the hearing aid if it becomes damaged.  Appalachian Audiology offers extended warranty coverage through the hearing aid manufacturer for around $150 per aid.

If a hearing instrument's warranty lapses, hearing aid manufacturers charge a flat repair fee regardless of the type of repair that is needed.  The repair charge usually includes new warranty coverage for 6-12 months.  Repair costs usually add up to roughly $300 while extending a warranty usually costs around $150 through Appalachian Audiology.

Have more questions about hearing aid maintenance, repair, and warranties?  Click here!

1 comment:

  1. If you need hearing aids repairs & services you should try these guys because, they’ve got great prices and service.
