Monday, February 13, 2012

Treatments for Tinnitus

Interest in finding a cure for tinnitus has dramatically increased in recent years due to the number of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from this condition.  Presently, over 50 trials are being conducted by the VA to find a cure for tinnitus.  Promising treatment options include:

Neuromonics of Australia
In 2005, neuromonic treatment of tinnitus was introduced in the United States after approval by the FDA.  This treatment involves an acoustic signal which targets the neural pathways in the brain to reprogram them to filter the sounds produced by a patient's particular type of tinnitus.  The process takes about six to eighteen months under the supervision of a clinical audiologist. 

Open-Fit Digital Hearing Aids
Nearly 80% of patients properly fit with open-fit, digital hearing aids report relief from tinnitus.  Because tinnitus usually accompanies hearing loss, hearing aids have traditionally been an effective treatment method to mask tinnitus.  Researchers have reported that the benefits of digital hearing aids in treating tinnitus increase dramatically every three months during the first year of wearing the hearing device.

The Future of Treating Tinnitus
Perhaps the most encouraging development in the treatment of tinnitus is a new compound under research at the University of Buffalo.  In controlled studies, the compound eliminated tinnitus with a single dose.  Research is ongoing.

For more information on tinnitus, visit our website!

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