Monday, October 10, 2011

Get the Maximum Benefit From Your Hearing Aids!

The Better Hearing Institute recently released a study showing the benefit received from wearing hearing aids is highly related to the quality of care provided by the hearing healthcare professional.  Hearing aids are primarily returned because the wearer does not feel they receive enough benefit to justify the expense.  For this reason, Appalachian Audiology offers no-charge follow up care and adjustments for the life of any hearing aid purchased through us! 
As you wear your hearing aid, make note of the following questions:
  • Am I understanding speech more clearly in the presence of  noise?
  • Are my hearing aids amplifying my hearing preferences?
  • What environments do I seem to have trouble hearing in?
  • Am I asking people to repeat themselves frequently?
We follow the American Academy of Audiology's preferred practice patterns.  In other words, we follow the steps that have the highest success rate in guaranteeing a hearing aid wearer will derive the maximum benefit from their hearing instruments.  To properly adjust hearing aids, studies have shown the audiologist should:
  • Test hearing in an enclosed sound booth to accurately determine the type, degree, and location of hearing loss
  • Perform "Loudness Discomfort" Measurements to accurately detail the full range of hearing
  • Perform "Objective Benefit" Measurements to give real information on the actual benefit a hearing aid wearer is deriving from the use of the instruments
  • Perform "Real Ear Measurement" Verification to accurately determine how the hearing aid is benefiting the wearer

Each part of this process helps the audiologist know how to adjust a patient's hearing instruments properly.  This, too, is a critical component of helping restore a hearing loss sufferer's quality of life!

1 comment:

  1. Hearing aids can also filter and improve the understanding of words in noisy environments.

