Monday, May 23, 2011

Understand Conversations In Noisy Places!

LACE Software Training
Whether you wear hearing aids or simply wish to improve your listening skills, LACE training improves the brains ability to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations such as noisy restaurants, fast talkers, and competing voices.  On average, studies show that those who complete 10 sessions of LACE enjoy 33% greater speech-in-noise intelligibility.  Those who complete 20 sessions enjoy 43% greater speech-in-noise intelligibility.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hearing Aids 101

A hearing aid is an electronic device usually worn in or behind the ear to amplify sound.  More than 1,000 different models are available in the United States. All of them include a microphone (to pick up sound), amplifier (to boost sound strength), a receiver or speaker (to deliver sound to the ear), and are powered by a battery. Depending on the style, it's possible to add features to filter or block out background noise, minimize feedback or lower sound in noisy settings.  Hearing aids are either "monoaural" (a hearing aid for one ear), or "binaural" (for two ears); more than 65% of all users have binaural aids.

A hearing aid enhances sound so you can hear better. Since hearing loss is gradual, it's common to become unaccustomed to environmental sounds such as traffic noise or background conversation. Because of this, when a person begins wearing a hearing aid, it is necessary to re-educate the brain to practice selective listening, the ability to choose only those sounds which you wish to hear.
For more information, visit our website!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Troubleshooting Your Hearing Aids

Does your hearing aid ever:
  • Whistle or give feedback?
  • Sound weaker than normal?
  • Go dead without warning?
  • Give a scratchy sound or go off/on?
Click here for some helpful troubleshooting tips!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Cure for Tinnitus?

Tinnitus (TIN-a-tus) is commonly described as "ringing in the ears." It is defined as the perception of sound in the head when no external sound is present. In addition to "ringing," head noises have been described as hissing, roaring, whooshing, clicking, pulsing, and whistling.  Ringing and head noises can occur in one ear or both ears, and can be perceived to be occurring inside or outside the ear.  It can accompany hearing loss or exist independent of hearing loss.

A variety of factors including earwax blockage, stress, antiobiotics, and age-related hearing loss can lead to or worsen tinnitus.  While it is a fairly common problem, there are many effective methods to treat or at least reduce the severity of its symptoms.  Investigating its underlying cause, examining possible hearing instruments that "mask" the noise it creates, and counseling are all possible components of a comprehensive treatment plan for managing tinnitus.

While there is no known cure for tinnitus, hearing aids can help manage its symptoms.  However, they are only one component of a comprehensive approach to helping people cope with this condition.

For more information on tinnitus, visit our website.