Monday, July 15, 2013

Bluetooth (Wireless) Technology for Hearing Aids

Bluetooth compatible hearing aids allow you to wirelessly connect to televisions, cell phones, landline phones, and mp3 players. This provides better speech comprehension and sound clarity because the sound is delivered wirelessly to the hearing aids with no issue of sound decay or reverberation.

Cell Phone and Landline Use

Bluetooth Compatible Hearing Aids
Bluetooth technology advances permit you to listen on the telephone through the hearing aids in both ears simultaneously. This allows the hearing aid wearer to talk on the phone hands-free. With the push of a button, the phone is answered. Answer the phone without leaving your seat! 


You may have "discussions" at your home about the volume of the television. This can result in the family watching the same show on different televisions. Most manufacturers of hearing aids now provide a plug-in accessory for your television which wirelessly sends a comfortable sound to the hearing aid wearer and also permits a comfortable sound for friends and family 

iPod and mp3 Players

The hearing aids can receive music and other signals from an iPod or mp3 player making those uncomfortable earbuds unnecessary! 

Remote Control and Hearing Aid Adjustments

Remote controls for hearing aids vary in sophistication. Some simply change the volume and listening programs. Others teach the hearing aids how to "behave" in any listening environment so the user becomes the teacher.
Each hearing aid manufacturer utilizes different accessories to make wireless streaming possible.
If you currently own hearing aids, chances are good that your hearing aids are already bluetooth compatible. 

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